Africa Travel Week

And the winners are….

WTM Africa exhibitors pulled out all the stops to showcase their creative and business flair at this year’s Best Stand Awards.

The awards recognise creative design, sustainability, innovation, features, personnel, and the business-friendly appeal of exhibiting companies’ stands. Megan Oberholzer, Portfolio Director: Travel, Tourism & Creative Industries Portfolio for Rx Africa SA, said: “We are in awe of the incredible amount of effort that goes into creating and manning the exhibitor stands at the show. We have seen some really exciting, innovative and creative stands.”

The six categories this year re – Best Stand Design, Best Stand for Doing Business, Best Stand Feature, Best Stand Personnel, Most Innovative Stand and Most Sustainable Stand.  

And the winners this year are… drumroll….

Best Stand Design: The City of Cape Town

Most Sustainable Stand: Wesgro

Best Stand for Doing Business: Botswana Tourism

Best Stand Personnel: Korea National Tourism Board

Best Stand Feature: Maldives Tourism

Most Innovative Stand: Hotel Sky

Dorine Reinstein