Kojo Bentum-Williams is a communication professional with over 12 years in working in the travel and tourism trade. His cross-cutting knowledge in the industry includes working as a PR official at the Ghana Tourism Authority and Press Secretary to Ghana’s Former Minister of Tourism Arts and Culture.
He is currently the Senior Expert for Communications in Africa at the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and aide to the Secretary-General.
He has regularly contributed to a number of Tourism publications and reports including the annual Africa Tourism Monitor Report published by the Africa Development Bank (AFDB), New York University Africa House Journal and Casa Africa’s Encounter with African Journalists in Spain. He is a columnist in Leading Spanish NewsPaper EL-Pais on African Tourism.
Kojo has worked closely with a number of African Tourism Ministers, Convention Bureaus, and CEOs of National Tourism Boards in Africa as well as Africa’s Tourism Private Sector.
What are you hoping could ignite enthusiasm on what you’re going to speak about? (without giving away too much)...
The gradual return of mega-events and how its domino effect will spur and accelerate the recovery of the tourism ecosystem, especially in Africa
What have you missed with regards to face-to-face contact in the events speaking space?
The Human touch, look and feel and above all the ability to close/ write deals on the spot
How did you come to do what you do, tell us a bit about your career advancement?
My passion for tourism and the ability to use the power of storytelling is the major driving force of what I do now. Lack of /inadequate specialized tourism news outlets to shed light on Africa’s diverse tourism offerings urged and encouraged me to set up a business that will at least bring the conversation to the limelight. It has since shaped up growth and offered me the opportunity to learn from experts and colleagues I work with.
Based on your five senses, what are you looking forward to most at the show this year:
- See: A bustling and exciting travel show ready to step up and get the
- Taste: Gastronomy escapades of destinations and how it became a permanent fixture on the Africa Travel Week Calendar
- Hear: Innovation and new trends destinations and how the sector has adopted to experience better tourism- Building back well
What makes Africa Unique?
Its people, hospitality, authenticity, and its diverse tourism offering
What is the first thing you will do once you set foot in Cape Town?
To enjoy the wines of South Africa and take a trip to the lion’s head.
Looking back as past events that you have been to, what business connection/relationship stands out that made it truly worthwhile?
It is very difficult to pinpoint that one particular event but WTM Africa is definitely one of the shows which have delivered immense value for me and my business
Tell us a story about a past event where something truly memorable happened (funny or serious)?
It was an elephant mock charge/attack my friend and I had to endure from a stray elephant during a safari ride. It was really traumatising and even though something we had not wished for, it urged me to read and learn more about behavioural patterns of animals, especially during safari rides.
Find me at WTM Africa:
Topic: WTM Africa Industry Report 2022
Date: 11 April 2022, 08:30 – 09:30
Stage: Global Stage