It is widely believed that in the age of Covid-19 and beyond travel technology will play an increasingly pivotal role in shaping the future of the travel and tourism industry at large. There are mixed views about the impact these developments will have on the business models of various travel and tourism industry operators.
In this webinar we will hear the perspectives of three key players in the MICE industry – a MICE analyst and expert, a major Convention Centre CEO, and a DMC CEO.

Lindiwe Rakharebe
CEO: Durban ICC
Lindiwe Rakharebe is the Chief Executive Officer of the Durban International Convention Centre (Durban ICC), having been appointed in April 2015. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Management Leadership (Free State University), a Diploma in Management Development Programme (Executive Education), and a number of professional development programmes including the Financial Services Training Programme (International Training Solutions).
Lindiwe has taken the Durban ICC to new heights during her tenure, leading the organisation to make record-breaking contributions in both positive economic impact and job-creation. She has extensive experience in the financial services industry in KwaZulu-Natal and is a well-respected business leader across the country.
She is the African representative on the ICCA Board which is the global community and knowledge hub for the international association meetings industry. She is passionate about women and gender issues in respect of women empowerment, caring for the aged is close to her heart.
In light of her leadership role in driving women empowerment and caring for the aged, she is serving as the Chairperson of the KwaZulu-Natal Network in preventing violence against women. Lindiwe is personally and professionally committed to making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.
Lindiwe’s motto in life is ‘Treat others the way you would like to be treated’.

Dr Rob Davidson
Managing Director: MICE Knowledge
Dr Rob Davidson is the Managing Director of MICE Knowledge, a London-based consultancy specialising in research, education and training services for the meetings and events industry. His main areas of expertise are conferences and incentive travel, and he has written seven books on these themes, including his latest publication, Business Events.
He has carried out research projects for a number of major organisations including the Poland Convention Bureau, the Ireland National Tourism Development Authority, and the Society for Incentive Travel Excellence.
He is regularly invited to speak at international conferences on themes linked to business events, in particular to present the results of his ongoing research into conference industry trends. Rob also teaches as a Visiting Professor in three European universities, where he educates and inspires Events Management and Tourism Management students every year.

Gadi Mbuya
CEO: Shades of Green Safaris Ltd
Gadi Mbuya CIS, has been in the travel, hospitality and conference tourism industries for over 20 years. In 2010 he created his own company Shades of Green Safaris Ltd, and at 2017 created a specialise division for MICE business Green Inspirations DMC-PCO. Gadi has a PCO certificate by the International Association of Professional Congress Organizers (IAPCO) and he is certified by SITE as a CIS (Certified Incentive Specialist). Gadi is a visionary who believes that business development passes through the customer satisfaction, education and technology. He spares no efforts or means to establish our company as the premier DMC and Destination Resources Management company in the East Africa region and he achieved this recently as Green Inspirations was voted as the Leading Destination Management Company in Tanzania for 2020 by WTA.

Septi M Bukula
Founder: Seeza Tourism SME Network
Septi M. Bukula is a nationally recognised specialist in entrepreneurship and SME development policy in South Africa. He has undertaken numerous SME policy and programme advisory assignments in South Africa and other African countries. He regularly hosts prominent international conferences focusing on a broad range of SME development issues. In 2017 he established Seeza Tourism SME Network to promote the interests of tourism SMEs, with particular focus on facilitating domestic and international market access. In 2014 his company, Osiba Management, received South African Tourism’s coveted Lilizela Tourism Award.