Africa Travel Week

Penny Fraser – Sales Manager ILTM & WTM Africa & Creative Portfolios 

There is nothing better than combining a passion with your work.

My career in travel and tourism started when I studied to be a game ranger which threw me into a world of discovering how much I loved my country and the passion I have for sustainable travel- now I get to promote it across the globe! 

When I’m not at work I love spending time with my children and family, running, hiking our stunning trails and exploring our beautiful South Africa when I get a chance.  

After completing my studies I started at WESGRO, promoting the Western Cape as a destination for both travel and foreign investors and then branched into hotels where I worked at the Cape Grace.  

Tell us 3 words that you feel describe you well  

Dedicated, Gracious & Positive 

What kind of traveller are you? 

An immersive traveler. I love learning about the lifestyle of the place I’m visiting as well as seeing the sights, history, culture and food.  

Tell us about one of your most memorable trips/travel moments. Where and why? 

My daughter was born in Italy, one of my fondest memories is taking my children there and showing my son the Colosseum in Rome and watching them enjoy pasta in Italy!  

What is your all-time favourite destination in Africa? Why? 

Namibia – love the contrast of desert and sea as well as the friendly people. 

Based on the five senses and thinking about travelling what do you…   

  • Like to see:  Architecture 
  • Like to taste: Authentic foods 
  • Like to feel: Open space and nature and city 
  • Like to hear:  The local languages and local music 
  • Like to Smell: Aromas of the cooking that is authentic to the place being visited 

What unique qualities do you believe women bring to the workplace?  

Fair thinking, empowering one another, consideration and dedication 

Tell us about something you’re proud of achieving?  

Being part of the team at Cape Grace Hotel winning the Conde Nast Travellers Best Boutique Hotel in the World within the first few years of being open. 

Tell us about one woman in business that you admire  

Any woman that leads and inspires by example, is fair and considerate to Moms and values family, in the workplace.  Locally I would have to say Margi Biggs & Carol Weaving and abroad would have to be Michelle Obama. 

Africa Travel Week

Africa Travel Week (ATW) focuses on inbound and outbound markets for general leisure tourism, luxury travel, LGBTQ+ travel and the MICE/business travel sector as well as travel technology. Shows include: ILTM Africa, WTM Africa, EQUAL Africa, ibtm AFRICA, Travel Forward, Sports & Events Tourism Exchange and African Tourism Investment Summit.